Anita Janosova

Fuglie, Gordon, “Representing LA”, Art Juxtapoz Magazine, Vol 9, Num 3, pg 46-57, 
May/June, 2001

Hackett, Regina, “L.A. realists reach for the edge at Frye”, Seattle Union Record, Monday,
December 11, 2000

Wagonfeld, Judy, “inside LaLa Land: Frye show exposes a swatch of grit”, 
Seattle Post-Intelligencer, December, 2000

Pucci, Carol, “Seattle plays host to an exhibit that can’t find a home in California”, Seattle Times,
December 2000

Clayton, Alec, “Spectrum of contemporary art comes together at Frye”, The Olympian, 
January 12, 2001

Fuglie, Gordon, “A new exhibit documents the recent resurgence of representational art in Southern
California”, Southwest Art, January, 2001

Fuglie, Gordon, “Representing LA: Pictorial Currents in Southern California Art”, 
Catalogue for the exhibition

Harrison, Loraine, “HORSE: From Noble Seeds to Beasts to Burdens” ISBN # 0-8230-2334-6, 2000,
Watson-Guptill Publishers

“New American Painters”, Number 31, The Open Studios Press, ISBN # 1066-2235, 
December 2000

Clark, Erin, “Anita Janosova’s Paintings Appear in the Flesh”, Whittier College Quaker Campus, 
Arts and Entertainment, February 17, 2000

William, John, “SEX: Portraits of Passion”, published by Watson-Guptill, 1999, 
ISBN # 0-8230-4784-9

Edney, Andrew, “CAT: Wild Cats and Pampered Pets”, 1999, published by Watson-Guptill, 
ISBN # 0-8230-0571-2

“Myths and Legends”, catalogue for the Anchorage Museum of History and Art, 1998

Gambill, Christina, “Last Days of Faculty Show Upon Us”, Talon Marks, Arts and Entertainment,
September 16, 1998

Frank, Peter, “Reconfigured I: Painting”, LA Weekly, October 17 – 23, 1997, Vol. 19 No. 47, 
Pick of the Week

Lee, Ela, “Estetica”, 20 DE MAYO, No. 1937, pg. 13, September 20, 1997.
Review in Liceo International de Cultura of Body Language. 

Curtis, Cathy, “Body Language Meets The Naked Truth”, LA Times, Orange Co. Edition, Tuesday,
August 26, 1997. Review

Walsh, Daniella, B., “Celebrating a New Body of Body of Work”, Orange County Register, Fine Arts
Encore Section, Sunday, September 7, 1997. Review. 

Where Magazine, Chicago, Gallery guide, page 46, September 1991

Schulze, Franz, “How to Get Gusty to Great”, ART news, April 1981

Nit & Wit, “On Realism”, Spring 1981

The New Art Examiner, Autumn 1980, Review of Aspects of Realism exhibition 

Borus, Harry, “Realism”, WFMT Radio, November 1980

Chicago Tribune, November 1980, Review of Aspects of Realism exhibition

Keller, Martha, “Body Metaphor”, The New Art Examiner, Summer 1979